About Us
Who is behind frankie and millie bebe? We are three sisters born and raised in Lynchburg Virginia.. and no, none of us are named Frankie nor Millie. So where does the name come from you might be asking yourself? Back in 2009, our Mom opened a women's boutique called Frankie and Millie after her beloved English Bull Dog, but being the bored easily-always on the go-ADD entrepreneur that she is, she closed up shop to start her next endeavor, much to the dismay of her three daughters. After many years of putting our dreams on hold to start our own lives in the real world and countless baby clothes later (for one of us), we decided to pick up where our mom left off, with her help and guidance along the way, only this time selling baby and children's clothes. We are excited to embark on this journey, and we thank you for visiting our site!
Hollis, Spencer and Libba